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How do I revise for an exam?

If you've stumbled upon this post in search of a last-minute miracle to help you study for an exam tomorrow, I'm sorry, but this post isn't for you.

Let's talk about effective revision, which is revision that:

  1. Doesn't start the night before an exam.

  2. Isn't just reading over materials or watching videos.

  3. Goes even further than doing the practice test.

Ideally, effective revision starts in your first lesson. Start building your own revision materials from your homework exercises - put at least one question from the first topic into your revision materials for all weeks up to the exam. This helps ensure that you don't forget early topics as the semester progresses. As new topics are introduced, add revision questions to your future study materials as well. Keep doing this with all topics, so that you are constantly reinforcing the topics you have learnt previously, while also learning new topics.

This method avoids last-minute 'cramming' by spreading the revision over the whole semester. It also allows you to troubleshoot early. If you realise the night before an exam that you don't really 'get' a topic, it's too late. If you have that realisation the week after you learnt the topic, you have time to go to the teacher and get some extra help. You have time to put extra revision questions about that topic into your future study materials to ensure you don't lose the knowledge.

In a nutshell, you. have. time. Effective revision starts early, spreads the pressure over the whole semester and gives you a chance to get help when needed.

I explain more in the video below.

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